
life is a maze


The Bottom Line

You can't hit a home run every time you're at bat. Just try to do your best.

In Detail

Ideas are flowing out of you right now, but it's going to take a concentrated effort on your part to shape them into something practical. Your new thoughts are lumps of clay: Full of potential, but in need of a strong vision to transform that potential into reality. Look for that vision in the experiences you have with new people -- there is inspiration in the faces of strangers. Stay in the middle of the crowd and look around -- soak up the energy and create!

每当我正在迷惘中,找不到出路时,总是喜欢到处找心理测验或星座运程玩玩。facebook的anita prediction,、daily advice、 today inspiration、friendster、都会忍不住看看。而每次,总是很惊喜的,friendster的星座都会似是准确的说中我的状况。而那些有点玩弄文字的句子,总是缓冲我的理解,让我读了好几篇才觉得若有所悟。



Anonymous said...

add oil o.. i got work here n not going back tis dec d.. my Christmas will be celebrate with my sampling trip.. so sad.. anyway.. all the best.. for u n also for me..haha..

sunbliss said...

i see...ur life so packed with ur work o,but it gains experience and knowledge also, jia you n all the best for u too~
waiting for ur back~^^


最近时间刷刷刷,感觉一下子就来到了年尾。 今年,是我第三年留在上海了。我总觉得上海这座城市是眷顾着我的。第一年遇到了疫情封城,但是个很难得让我认识周遭邻居,也收了大概8大箱政府支援的蔬菜食材,认识了这座城市常有的食物。每年的生日,这城市也变着花样送点什么给我,哈哈。第一年,刚巧有...