


Why fight the urge to start new projects today?
If you feel the need to do something new, then do it.

Who cares if you don't exactly have all the time in the world to take it on?

There will never be a period in your life when you have all the time you need to do whatever you want, so waiting for it is pretty silly.

You'll do fine juggling a new relationship, endeavor or job right now.
Just believe in yourself and have fun with it.
Your good attitude will take you a very long way.


Have you been having a lot of confusing dreams lately?

Don't fret -- they are not warnings about what is going to happen next in your life, they are just silly visions cooked up by your subconscious.

When you wake up they're gone -- and they should be forgotten.

Being preoccupied with what your sleeping brain comes up with could be a way of procrastinating on some stuff you should be taking care of now.

Get back to reality and concentrate on the concrete.


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最近时间刷刷刷,感觉一下子就来到了年尾。 今年,是我第三年留在上海了。我总觉得上海这座城市是眷顾着我的。第一年遇到了疫情封城,但是个很难得让我认识周遭邻居,也收了大概8大箱政府支援的蔬菜食材,认识了这座城市常有的食物。每年的生日,这城市也变着花样送点什么给我,哈哈。第一年,刚巧有...